50 killed and more than 150 injured in Political Violence
On 12th May 2007 Karachi saw the worst political violence in Pakistan in many years, over 50 people killed and more than 150 injured in clashes and gunfights between pro-government MQM and opposition groups. As soon as Chief Justice of Pakistan landed in Karachi to address the Sindh bar council convention, the violence broke out in Karachi.
The arrival in Karachi of Chief Justice of Pakistan was not taken lightly by General Musharaf after the great show of forces of the anti Musharaf forces in Lahore on 5th May. Until that point the government was only uncomfortable with the CJ’s outings to Rawalpindi , Sukhar, Hyderabad and Peshawar to address the different bar councils and lawyers conventions. The opposition parties also rallied around the arrivals of CJ to these cities. But the Lahore show was unique. It indicated that the movement against General Musharaf was gathering momentum. After the Unprecedented reception in Lahore, the government realized that the CJ is getting support from wider layers of society and opposition has been able to mobilize its supporters in big number on this issue. The government decided not to gave free hand to lawyers and opposition to show their strength. Mutahidda Quami Movement (MQM) an ally of the Musharaf government decided to show its muscle and announced counter rally against CJ on 12th May.
Show of Strength or Weakness
12th May becomes the show of strength for MQM and government. Situation becomes tense when opposition and MQM announced rallies and counter rallies on same day and almost on the same places. Now the MQM and government both are blaming the visit of CJ in this polarized and tense situation. The main purpose of MQM rally was to show their strength and support in Karachi. They also wanted to show to the people of Pakistan that CJ has no support in this largest city of Pakistan, which is also the industrial hub of the country. There is no doubt that MQM has a certain base and support in the Urdu speaking population of Karachi. What every body saw on that day was not the strength and popularity of MQM or the Government, but merely the ugly and violent face of both MQM and government.
The whole city was besieged, all the roads leading to the airport was blocked with huge containers. Hundreds of opposition activists were arrested and hundreds were forced to go in hiding. The government tried everything to prevent the opposition rallies to take place. On the other hand MQM was not only given free hand but also facilitated by the local authorities. There was no hurdle on the route of MQM rally, but rest of the city was literally sealed. Armed people attacked the opposition rallies and 9 areas were turned into battle grounds. Latest assault rifles and modern weapons were used to attack each other. Mostly opposition party activists were the victims. The armed thugs and goons continued to rule the streets for more than 6 hours. AAJ TV, a private TV channel was also attacked and remained under intense firing for hours. Thousands of bullet rounds were fired. The police and Para military forces were remained absent from the scene. They did not intervened and remained silent spectators in this blood shed. When the violence was going on in some areas and dead bodies were laying on the roads and injured were screaming with pain and injuries, the MQM continued its rally and show of strength in the centre of city. The turned out of this rally was thin compare to recent rallies organized by MQM. Few thousand people turned up for this rally, which was far less from MQM‘s expectations.
What happened on 12th May has not gone very well for the government and MQM. The 12th May events have tarnished the image of MQM and the government. From last few years MQM was trying to build the image of a non ethnic national political force, which is fighting for the rights of all oppressed nationalities and segments of the society. MQM was trying to build its organization in the other provinces, but 12th May changed all that. More than 150 office bearers of MQM in 3 provinces resigned in protest. MQM was forced to close down its offices through out the country. MQM has gone completely on the back foot.
Strong Reaction
There is strong reaction not only from the opposition but also from trade unions, traders, NGOs, community organizations and other sections of society against the Karachi events.
Opposition organized very successful strike through out the country. This was the most successful strike organized by opposition in last years. Even traders organizations went with opposition parties and closed the shops, main markets and businesses fist time in 7 years. The government and MQM came under fire from every corner. The government and MQM were not expecting such a strong reaction from every segment of society.
Even the media is also going against the government. Now the government started threatening the media with stern actions if the media continued to cover the events against the wishes of government. First time in the history of Pakistan, the media, lawyers, traders, middle class professionals and some sections of the working class are coming close to form an alliance against the present government. Opposition parties are also coming close to form an broader alliance. Unified opposition with the support of traders, trade unions and other social movements and organizations can create nightmare situation for the government.
Regime is in Serious Trouble
Musharaf regime is facing the first real political challenge since 2002 elections. The regime was seems comfortable and preparing for another term for General Musharaf as President and PLM-Q as government. But the political scene has been completely changed since 9th March 2007. The all powerful government now facing serious political and judicial crises. Regime is isolated and significantly weakened in last 2 months. Politics is now sharply polarized along pro- and anti Musharaf lines. The future of General Musharaf has become the key question in Pakistan’s politics.
A pro- Musharaf analyst and retired army General Talat Masood describes the situation in words “I think his (Musharaf’s) power is now diminishing rapidly. There is no doubt about it. It was a great blunder, a major mistake of horrendous proportions. It was a sure recipe for confrontation. All actions subsequent to March 9 reflect a sense of insecurity in government ranks leading to a situation where elections could be held ahead of time. But it is unlikely that Musharaf will be able to hold the both offices, to become President, he will have to shed the uniform”.
Another very well known independent political analyst and editor Daily Times Najam Sethi said “the violence in Karachi had set the scene for a national confrontation. The battle lines are now drawn. There is Musharaf and the ruling party and the MQM on one side and the rest of Pakistan on the other. He is facing the worst period of his rule. As Karachi was in flames, Musharaf was addressing a rally in Islamabad organized by his cronies to demonstrate public support for the military led administration. Musharaf has conveyed a message to the chief justice that we will use the state machinery to stop you and you will not be allowed to reach out to people. His support is receding fast but CJP’s
Support is surging fast. Two chiefs are fighting each other, on one hand chief of army staff has the support of military and state apparatus, and on the other the chief justice of Pakistan has the support of civil society”.
Musharaf government can hold on to power but it has lost much of its authority and legitimacy. It was never been so isolated since 1999 than it is now. The mainstream political parties were opposed to Musharaf from the beginning, but MMA (an alliance of major religious parties) extended him reluctant support. The MMA facilitated the passage of the 17th amendment in the constitution which allowed and enabled Musharaf to continue as army chief. Now MMA is not ready to support him. Recent events have made it impossible for the PPP to strike a deal with Musharaf to support him in near future. There are very few political options left with the government to solve the current political and judicial crises.
He presides over a hierarchical political order on military lines—The commanding officer supported by the army –intelligence establishment that has the backing of the top bureaucracy for governance and political management. The next layer comprises the co-opted political leadership. These arrangements have three major implications for the political system. It restricts or excludes the role of the dissident political forces which no loner have any stake in the Musharaf-led military dominated political order. The co-opted political leaders depend on Musharaf for political clout rather than strengthening his popular credentials, making this political arrangement, the most unpopular in the history of Pakistan.
The suspension of CJ was a pre-emptive move to ensure that superior judiciary do not create problems for General Musharaf in the event of opposition challenging his candidature for another term, it has backfired. This decision has developed the political conditions which opposition can exploit. Now Musharaf wants to reelect himself from the present assemblies, this alone can intensify the already existing crises.
The government is considering different options to end the present judicial and political crisis. It is more likely that government will use more repressive measures to crush the opposition movement. But it can provoke a wide spread agitation against the government and it also can involve new layers of working class in the movement. The coming period of next few months is very crucial for the future of this regime, which is hanging by a thread. The out come of the on going legal and constitutional battle in the Supreme Court will determine the future course of political events in Pakistan. If the Supreme Court decide the matter in the favour of chief justice and drop the charges against him, it will be big blow for the present regime. If case decided against CJ, it can provoke a fresh series of protest and this can force out the rulers.
The government is worried about the fact that more and more people are joining the street protests every day. Now the Teachers union and Doctors association have also joins the movement. But still the overwhelming majority of working people is still not part of the movement. So far government tactics and wrong decisions have provided the fuel for opposition movement. Chief Justice of Pakistan is the most popular non political personality in the country. The reason of this popularity is that he decided to take on with Musharaf regime. He has become a symbol of resistance and courage. What opposition parties have failed to develop in 7 years, the lawyers’ movement around CJ has been able to build in just 2 months? It showed that political leadership still lacks the support which is necessary to mobilize the masses. The crisis of leadership is clearly evident in this situation. There is no leadership which can fill the gap. In the absence of a working class party and leadership, the situation has become more complex.
It is less likely that present movement will develop into a mass movement involving majority or big sections of the working class. The majority of the working class is not confidant enough to take on to the government. The consciousness is still low and contradictory. On one hand there is rising anger and hatred against the regime and ruling class but still there is wide spread disillusionment about the politics and political parties. It will take little more time to translate the anger into action. There are very few people who still have some illusion in the system and state institutions, but there is no clarity for an alternate. There is still no clear class consciousness in the overwhelming majority of the working people. It is true that there is wide spread anger against rich and elite but still its not transforming into a clear class consciousness. But as the movement will develop further, the class consciousness will emerge.
Working class needs an independent political action to get rid of military rule and capitalism. Working class can not trust the capitalist and religious parties. These parties are involved in the struggle to replace the present regime to take the power in their own hands. Such change will not solve any of the basic problems faced by working class. Real change and transformation of the society is only possible if working class take power in to its own hands. After seizing the power, the working class will abolish capitalism and feudalism and replace it with democratic Socialist system.
Against the Military rule, capitalism and feudalism
For workers and peasants government and socialist planned economy