We are not Slaves, Treat us like Humans
Thousands of protesting workers set fire to six garment factories in Bangladesh after a colleague was killed and scores injured in the clashes with police. The violence erupted on Monday…
Impartial and Independent Analysis
Thousands of protesting workers set fire to six garment factories in Bangladesh after a colleague was killed and scores injured in the clashes with police. The violence erupted on Monday…
TURCP Strongly Condemn the Police Brutality and Organized Solidarity Demonstration The workers of DADU and THATHA Sugar mills are protesting against the non payment of their dues. They organized a…
Implement the agreement or face the Strike action Thousands of Power loom (textiles) workers marched through the main streets of Faisalabad (the third largest city of Pakistan and center of…
1400 workers reinstated The 1400 daily wages and contract postal workers have won their battle against the postal authorities. The postal authorities sacked these workers without any legal procedure and…
TURCP Organized successful seminar, Public Sector Unions must act now Trade Union Rights Campaign Pakistan organized a seminar in Press Club Lahore on 14th March to discuss the trade union…
Post office authorities have sacked the 1400 postal workers, working on daily wages basis from last many Years. One sacked worker describe the situation in these words “we worked for…
Immigrant workers in Middle East are on the move Immigrant workers in the Middle East are fighting against the slave conditions they face and the non-payment of their salaries. Although…
Tremendous response from Trade Unions and working class communities 36 Ton (40,000 Kg) food stuff and other material send so far Trade union Rights Campaign started the relief campaign on…
Workers’ Relief and Rehabilitation Committee formed in Bagh city 20/10/2005 The Committee will organise all the relief and political work in Bagh. Members of the Trade Union Rights Campaign…
Politics of Relief 20/10/2005 Political manoeuvres begin There has been a vigorous response by working class people in Pakistan and Kashmir to help the victims and those affected by…
PTCL Struggle: Almost all the leaders of action committee have announced to accept the process of privatization on 3rd August in a press conference. They have accepted this privatization in…
Trade Union Rights Campaign strongly condemns the Betrayal of Action committee leadership, which has signed the agreement with PTCL management to accept privatization of state owned telecom company PTCL. The…