Domestic child workers’ slave conditions
By Rukhsana Manzoor 10/02/2014 Forceful collective voice needed to end poverty and abuse In recent weeks, the deaths of five female child domestic workers has once again highlighted the menace…
Impartial and Independent Analysis
By Rukhsana Manzoor 10/02/2014 Forceful collective voice needed to end poverty and abuse In recent weeks, the deaths of five female child domestic workers has once again highlighted the menace…
By Rukhsana Manzoor 10/10/2006 Women and children suffer most Women and children in the earthquake hit areas of Pakistan and Kashmir face forced displacement and human rights’ violations, as well as…
Rukhsana Manzoor 07/09/2006 Repeal the anti-women ‘Hudood Ordinance’ “It’s not God’s law but an instrument of oppression against women.” This comment was made by speakers and participants during seminars organised…
Rukhsana Manzoor 18/04/2005 Despite all the claims of the present regime, women are still facing a horrific situation in Pakistan. Domestic violence, sexual harassment, rape, inequality, injustice, and discrimination are…