International Women’s Day 2007
Unprotected As Ever The killing of Punjab female provincial minister on 20th February 2007 sends shock waves throughout the country. The female minister was shot dead by a religious extremist,…
Impartial and Independent Analysis
Unprotected As Ever The killing of Punjab female provincial minister on 20th February 2007 sends shock waves throughout the country. The female minister was shot dead by a religious extremist,…
By Khalid Bhatti 01/08/2007 More than 250 TURCP (Trade Union Rights Campaign Pakistan) members and political and social activists attended a protest demonstration in late December 2006, organized by TURCP…
By Khalid Bhatti 01/01/2007 The joint struggle of the Federal Union of Journalists and the Newspaper Hawkers Union forced the newspaper bosses to retreat from reducing the newspapers holidays from…
Troops were deployed throughout Bangladesh on Sunday 11th December to maintain law and order, says presidential order. Military now patrolling the main streets and squares and guarding the important buildings…
In its decision, the Sindh High Court declare the ban on teachers unions illegal and against the constitution and restores the trade union rights of 1,50,000 teachers in the Sidh…
The joint struggle of Federal Union of Journalist and Newspapers Hawkers Union forced the bosses of newspapers to retreat from reducing the newspapers holidays from 8 to 6 annually. The…
by Khalid Bhatti 28/11/2006 The TURCP organised its first national convention on 23 November 2006 in Lahore Press Club. More than 300 trade union leaders and activists attended the convention…
By Khalid Bhatti 20/11/2006 Trade Union Rights Campaign meeting attracts over 100 activists Trade Union Rights Campaign Organised a trade union meeting in the industrial area of Kot Lakhpat in…
When Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) led by out going Prime Minister Khalida Zia formed an alliance and coalition government with fundamentalist Jamat-e-Islami(Party of Islam) in 2001, very few people raised…
Riots continued as political crises deepens At least 28 were killed including 3 politician linked to the outgoing administration of Prime Minister Khaleda Zia- and hundreds injured in 4 days…
By Khalid Bhatti 20/10/2006 Around 3.5 million still ill-equipped, under-nourished and homeless On October 8, 2005, the people of Muzzafarabad (the sprawling capital city of Pakistani Administered Kashmir) resembled a ghost…
By Khalid Bhatti 19/10/2006 Trade Union Rights Campaign Pakistan (TURCP) meeting in Islamabad attracts 150 from different public sector trade unions. The Trade Union Rights Campaign Pakistan organized a meeting…