In its decision, the Sindh High Court declare the ban on teachers unions illegal and against the constitution and restores the trade union rights of 1,50,000 teachers in the Sidh province. The court also reinstated more than 150 sacked leaders and activists of teachers unions. The court also issue instructions to the government to stop victimization of the activists. This is an important victory for the working class against anti workers and trade union campaign launched by the present regime. The provincial government imposed the ban on teachers unions and started to sack all the leading activists of teachers unions. The teachers started strike and protest demonstrations against this ban, which provincial government tried to suppress with brutal force.
This victory will give new confidence and courage to the workers to fight against the anti workers policies of the government. This decision is also a blow to the vicious anti workers policies of the government to further weaken the working class movement. The teachers unions must start to reorganize themselves on democratic basis. This victory has once again proved the importance of struggle on all the fronts. Working class can not solely rely on the courts, as these are also part of the capitalist state, which protects the interests of ruling classes. The working class can use the courts as a part of struggle and also to further expose the rotten system which suppresses the working masses to protect their class interests. The court intervened in this issue because the teachers were also fighting in the streets and also on the workplaces.